GLOBAL WAR Copyright 1989 Joel Bergen ProVision BBS: (206) 353-6966 Be sure to read SYSOP.TXT for instructions on how to install Global War. The file REGISTER.TXT contains information on how to register your copy of Global War. The file WAR.CFG contains information on how to configure Global War. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING This version (v1.5) changes WAR.CFG! IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM ANY PREVIOUS VERSION OF GLOBAL WAR: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Replace all your *.EXE, *.ANS, *.TXT & *.DOC files with the new ones included in this archive. Keep your old WAR.BAT file. All your games (WARxx.DAT), log files (WARxx.LOG) and message files (WARxx.MSG) are fully compatible with this version and will still work with this upgrade. Replace your old WAR.CFG with the new one contained in this archive. Edit this new WAR.CFG and change the values as desired. NOTE: There may be new items in WAR.CFG, so carefully read the instructions found in WAR.CFG. When changing values, just type over the old value, don't delete or add any lines. This version includes a new file WAR.IMG. Make sure it is copied into your Global War directory. VERSION INFORMATION: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ver 1.0 First public release of Global War Ver 1.1 Added "/P" switch to read PCBOARD.SYS. (v14 only) Fixed the "7 commendation" bug. If a player had 7 commendations the game sometimes did not select the proper set to exchange for armies. For example, if a player had: 3 from the King 2 from the Queen 2 from the General The game would take the 3 from the King instead of the 2 1-1-1 sets. Fixed a bug where, if a player began a turn shortly before midnight and concluded it after midnight, he'd lose a day. Ver 1.2 Improved error messages to help diagnose incorrect installation problems. Fixed a bug where, if your hardware time clock fails, the game will refuse to run rather than giving you umteen zillion armies (since it's been 9 years since your last turn). Ver 1.3 NOTICE!!!! This version makes changes to WAR.CFG. Be sure to read the instructions in WAR.CFG if you are upgrading from any previous version. Replace your old WAR.CFG with the new one found here. Added support for HST modem owners by providing a locked baudrate option in WAR.CFG. Ver 1.4 Team play. When a player begins a new game he may designate the game as a Normal game or a Team game. Special new rules apply to team games and are documented in TEAM.DOC, which your players can read from within the game. Players can select their partners by password-protection. Carrier loss recovery. If a player loses connection during his turn, the game is saved in a file called WARxx.REC. If the player calls back his turn will be resumed right where he left off. This helps players with line noise or call waiting and also prevents players from cheating by hanging up and re-taking their turn when things don't go well. If a different player calls and takes his turn before the player who lost connection does, the original game will be used and the WARxx.REC game will be deleted. A new Globe Map now displays the entire world on the screen at one time, including every country and who occupies it. Many thanks to "General" Gary Gordon for this fine idea and all the effort he put into drawing this map. Players may select minimum and maximum number of players when beginning new games. New /I command line switch for Wildcat! reads CALLINFO.BBS. See SYSOP.TXT New /R command line switch for RBBS reads DORINFO1.DEF. See SYSOP.TXT New /D command line switch reads DOOR.SYS. See SYSOP.TXT Configurable points for won games. In WAR.CFG, you can set the number of points winners will receive for winning various types of games and how many points are required for a rank advancement. "Forgotten" games are now automatically deleted. A "forgotten" game is one in which there is no activity (turns taken, etc) in a certain amount of time. See WAR.CFG F5 key now hangs up on the caller, F10 enters chat mode. Entire continents now cannot be allocated to one player when a game begins. Game status screen has been speed up considerably. 4 and 5 player games have been made more fair. There are 42 countries in Global War, which is not evenly divisible by 4 and 5, causing some players in 4 and 5 player games to get shorted 1 country and 3 armies. The game now accounts for this and gives these players additional armies. Bulletins. You may create a file called BULLETIN.ANS which can contain any news or info for Global War players. This file may be an ANSI or ASCII file and is displayed right after the copyright notice. New COMM routines. Global War now has buffered, interrupt driven communications routines which should work much better than the previous polled routines, especially on XTs. Use of a fossil driver is not recommended, unless absolutely necessary (i.e. you are using COM3, etc). Bug fixes: Runtime error 201s when excessive online time received from BBS fixed. Also problems with momentary carrier loss kicking players out of Global War back into BBS should be fixed. Ver 1.4a Minor bug fix: Completed team games in which a player was a survivor were erroneously being counted as still being active, thus preventing the player from signing up for the maximum number of games allowed until the completed team game was auto-deleted. Ver 1.4b Global War 1.4's new buffered interrupt-driven communication routines were limited to 9600 baud. This limit has been raised to 38400 baud. This only affects HST owners running locked baudrates in excess of 9600 baud. Ver 1.4c Added Xon/Xoff software handshaking. Ver 1.4d Fixed lost character problems with dual standard HST's at high locked baudrates. GW -finally- appears to be working flawlessly at 38400 baud with the HST using either hardware or software handshaking. Ver 1.4e Bug fix: if a player hung up while signing up for a new game, the game could be inadvertantly saved and possibly corrupted. COM3 and COM4 now supported. Fossil driver no longer required. DEL key now functions as backspace. Ver 1.5 THIS VERSION MAKES ADDITIONS TO WAR.CFG! REPLACE YOUR OLD WAR.CFG WITH THE NEW ONE INCLUDED. EDIT THE NEW WAR.CFG AS DESIRED. Now includes GWTerm. GWTerm is a special terminal program that GW players can use to display maps instantly on their screen. Typically, the GW player will shell to dos from their favorite terminal program and execute GWTerm prior to playing Global War. Global War will send out special escape codes to instruct GWTerm to draw maps at high speeds. This significantly speeds up game play, allows for much more detailed maps to be used, and will make it possible for computers that cannot support ansi graphics to play the game. Graphics mode is also possible with future versions of GWTerm. Players may also use their mouse to select menu options and countries. Improved chat. The chat routine in version 1.4 was very crude. This version is somewhat better. Hitting F10 now turn chat request on. You will have to wait until the player hits a key before chat mode is entered. When chat mode is ended, this key is used to continue the game. Max time per day. In WAR.CFG there is an option to limit the amount of time a player can spend in the game. Up until now this value was per session, now it is per day. This prevents players from exiting and re-entering the game to gain more time. Instant local maps. The maps stored in WAR.IMG are displayed when GW is played locally, exactly as they are when a caller uses GWTerm. Aliases are implemented. When a player begins a new game, he has the option of making the players names Hidden or Known. The Hidden name option causes all players to be referred to as "Player 1", "Player 2", etc while they are alive in the game. M:essages function has been modified to better facilitate reading and writing multiple-line messages. A new alternate scoring method. See WAR.CFG. Ver 1.6? 2.0? Hopefully multi-node support. GWTerm will (hopefully) be enhanced to use graphics mode and be ported over to other types of computers. Other world maps have been suggested as well as planet editors, different rules, and other stuff. There's no telling what may be added. Stay tuned!